

Decoding UNSC Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC)

New Delhi hosted a two-day special meeting of the United Nations Security Council’s Counte-Terrorism Committee (CTC) on the the 28-29 October 2022. The theme of the meeting was ‘Countering the use of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes’ [1]. It was the first meeting held in In...


Expanding BRICS- Possibilities and Challenges

The year 2021 marked two decades since the term "BRICS" was first used by former Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill in the early 2000s to refer to the four rapidly developing nations that appeared most likely to start catching up to the West around the turn of the millennium [1]. ...


New methods adopted by terrorist groups

The functions of the world are ever transforming with innovations in technology, innovations offer a more efficient and comfortable life to people but there is a downside to everything if used by the wrong people. In this article, we are going to look into the new methods adopted by terrorist groups...


Evaluating Japan’s New Security Strategy

Japan launched its most significant military buildup since World War II earlier this month, with a $320 billion plan to acquire missiles capable of countering its regional threats and prepare it for any kind of long-term battle. The regional tensions and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the recent pa...