Bali G20 Summit and Russia Ukraine leaders meeting

The annual G20 summit is scheduled to take place on November 15 and 16, 2022. The summit this year will be a little different as both Russia and Ukraine are expected to attend. But before we get into the details, it's crucial to understand the G20, how it functions, key terms, the evolving mandate, and the significance of Putin and Zelensky's meeting.
The European Union and 19 other nations including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Türkiye, the United Kingdom, the United States make up the G20, sometimes known as the Group of Twenty. More than 80% of the world's GDP, 75% of its trade, and 60% of its population are represented by these members.
It was agreed after the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997–1998 that in order to address the global financial system, participation from significant developing market nations was required. In light of these requirements, the G7 finance ministers agreed to establish a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors.
Later on, though, it was upgraded to a summit of heads of state and grew into a platform for both developing and developed countries' leaders. Prior to 2010, the G20 summits were held every other year; however, beginning in 2011, they are now held every year. Furthermore, the G20 does not have a permanent secretariat and the G20 representatives, referred to as "Sherpas," collaborate with the finance ministers and central bank governors to coordinate the agenda and activities.
As far as its objectives are concerned, G20’s work includes not only policy coordination among its members in order to achieve global economic stability and sustainable growth, but also promoting financial regulations that reduce risks and prevent future financial crises; and creating a new international financial architecture.
The G20 presidency rotates annually among its members, and the country currently holding the presidency, along with the prior and following presidency-holders, form the "Troika" to guarantee continuity of the G20 agenda. India, Indonesia, and Italy currently make up the "Troika."
As previously stated, the 17th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit will be held in Bali from November 15 to November 16, 2022. The theme of the G20 meeting in Indonesia is "Pulih Bersama, Bangkit Perkasa" (Recover Together, Recover Stronger). This year's summit will place a significant priority on four issues: peace, health, digital transformation, and sustainable energy transitions.
Aside from these priority areas, one issue that is continuously generating news is the arrival of Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky. If Putin and Zelensky visit Bali, it will be the first time the two leaders have shared a stage since Russia and Ukraine went to war in February. Husin Bagis, Indonesia's ambassador to the UAE, stated in an interview with The National that "both have agreed (to attend)." However, neither the governments of Russia nor Ukraine responded to Bagis's statement.
Why will Ukraine and Russia attend the G20 Summit?
The Indonesian government has invited Ukraine to the meeting even though Ukraine is not a G20 member. “Because of our unique relationship with the UAE, we are still inviting Ukraine even if it is not a member of the G20,” according to Mr. Bagis (Ghosh, 2022). Zelenskyy, however, had earlier stated that Ukraine's attendance at the G20 meeting would rely on both the country's security situation and the conference's participant list.
Also, despite the fact that Russia is a G20 member, reservations are voiced about inviting him as well. According to critics, Putin was invited to the meeting, despite starting a horrific full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It is crucial to note that Indonesia, the G20 presidency candidate for this year, has come under intense pressure from Western nations, led by the United States, to exclude Russia from the summit ever since the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine. While US President Joe Biden has indicated Ukraine may participate, the Indonesian government, led by President Joko Widodo, or Jokowi, emphasized that it must maintain its impartiality as the host.
According to one article, Putin's attendance at the summit this year will be like a god-sent opportunity for him for two key reasons. First, Putin will be able to show the Russian people that he is a strong leader who is not afraid to face and defeat his country's adversaries. Second, just having a meeting with Zelenskyy, whose request for a meeting Moscow has rebuffed for months, might be seen as an effort to bring about peace (Carouso, 2022).
Why is Indonesia investing so much time and energy in it?
A meeting between Putin and Zelensky or Xi and Biden, according to scholars, could be hailed by Jokowi as proof that the summit was successful, even if it didn't significantly alter the circumstances in Taiwan or Ukraine. Jokowi would then show how significant Indonesia is as a nation to be courted. Indonesia is arguably the most significant non-aligned country in the world right now due to its enormous and expanding population and economy, its position at a key geostrategic crossroads, its significant source of critical minerals, and more (Carouso, 2022).
Could the G20 Summit provide any relief in the Russia-Ukraine crisis?
The G20 can provide some relief because part of its own mission is to contribute to the resolution of these global problems in order to realize an inclusive and sustainable world. However, it is important to recognize that the G20 itself has differing opinions on the war in Russia and Ukraine. For example, the G7 nations have vehemently denounced Russia and backed severe economic sanctions. Russia's expulsion from the G20 has even received backing from the United States and Russia. Other G20 countries have abstained from denouncing Russia in various UN resolutions, including China's and India's. Furthermore, previously, the Chinese Foreign Ministry stated that the G20 is not the appropriate forum for discussing the Ukraine issue (Alexandroff, 2022).
These problems suggest that in order for the G20 to address the Russia-Ukraine situation, they must first find common ground. It's also crucial to remember that the G20 won't be able to deal with all of the problems the world is now facing. However, it is still commendable that nations like Indonesia make an effort to at least take a first step in resolving their issues.
- Alexandroff, A. (2022, March 25). What Russia’s invasion of Ukraine means for the G20. Retrieved from EastAsiaForum:
- Carouso, J. (2022, September 01). Commentary: With Xi and Putin expected, will the Bali G20 summit change anything? Retrieved from CNA:
- Ghosh, I. (2022, October 07). G20: Indonesia prepares to host Ukrainian and Russian leaders at Bali summit. Retrieved from The National :
Pic Courtsey-Eko Herwantoro at
(The views expressed are those of the author and do not represent views of CESCUBE.)